In which a door closes and a new chapter begins...

Dearest Treasure Trovers,

The time has come for me to officially bid adieu to this little nook on the 'net, as I have launched into the rock 'em sock 'em world of residential real estate.    

Over the last year of school and training, I have really missed my weekends of hunting for Trove goodies, and more than that, I've missed interacting with YOU kind, friendly, vintage-lovin' folk.    When I started this blog in 2009, I had a single goal in mind:  make enough every month to pay my orthodontic bill.    What I wasn't expecting was to meet so many truly lovely gals & fellows who share my love of the quirky bits and bobs that add that finishing je-ne-sais-quoi to a wardrobe or home.    Many Trovers evolved from clients into cherished friends and I've been privileged to attend many of your picnics, children's birthdays, engagement bashes, weddings, and more.

The braces have been off for a while now, and my toothy grin now beams out from a new business card:

I've been spending the last month or so setting myself up at a spiffy boutique real estate agency, with an incredible agency director, and have been learning the ropes.    I am thrilled to announce that my first home sale is very close to closing, and that my first purchasing client is a Trover!    Once it is all finalized, and with her permission, I'll share a few of the fun details of how we found her and her family a stunning 3 bedroom 1925 home near the waterfront in Lachine.

I also have my very first listing client, and, surprise, she is also a Trover!    Her 727 square foot condo in Verdun is a real gem, hidden away behind an unassuming second storey red brick facade.   It has 2 bedrooms, and was fully renovated in 2008, so the kitchen (heated floors!) and bathroom (separate shower and tub!) are top notch.  There is a large patio just off the kitchen - with ample space for a bistro set, a barbecue, and container garderning.   The condo is on Claude between de l'Eglise and Galt, a quiet little street, 6 blocks from de l'Eglise metro and the rapidly evolving Promenade Wellington.   The condo fees and energy costs are low, and you can be downtown in less than half a hour.     Listed at $204,500, the monthly mortgage payment on this condo would be $1027, based on a 5 year fixed rate of 3.79%, and with a 5% down payment.  This is cheaper than renting a 2 bedroom apartment is many parts of the city, and is perfect for the first time home buyer.

Feel free to visit the detailed listing, and I've also put together a nifty floor plan to give potential buyers a good sense of the space.  You simply go to the 'Picture Plus' tab, and then click on any of the orange 'camera' icons to see a photo of the room from that spot.  Screen shot of the floor plan is below.

Whew!   As you can see, the next phase of my life has leapt off the starting blocks and is galloping full speed ahead.   I'm sure there'll be many speedbumps along the way, but I am loving every minute of it so far, and can't wait to head into the agency every morning.

Please don't be strangers!  Feel free to contact me, I'm always happy to go for coffee and treats.  I would be glad to respond to any of your questions about real estate.   Even if you're nowhere near being ready to purchase or sell, I can gab your ear off about the difference between undivided and divided condos, where the best areas to buy are, and what the market is like in the areas you're interested in.

Ladies and gents, it has been a pleasure and a privilege, and I want to thank you all for making my time as Lady Jane of the Treasure Trove so fulfilling and nourishing.   I wish you all the best, and hope to bump into you while out and about very soon.   If you happen to walk or drive by a house while I'm whacking my 'for sale' sign into the ground in front of it (note to self:  obtain a heavy mallet),  please feel free to stop for a chat!

With warmest regards, while feeling a little maudlin', but mostly hopeful and happy...

Mary Jane Caro
Residential Real Estate Broker
Signature Immobilière
