****SOLD**** A 'villainess' pair of Disney mugs: $10

Cruella de Vil. I can't even THINK the name without her song starting up in my head. And as for Ursula, well, it was pretty disturbing to this eleven year old when this purple tentacular villainess bongoed her considerable behind from side to side and sang out, "And don't underestimate the importance of BODY LANGUAGE, hah!"
I appreciate both of these stylish & powerful ladies in a whole new way now.
AND you can drink hot beverages out of their heads.
Price: $10 for the pair



Little Alex said...

I would be on this in a second if the paint jobs were better. The lack of lipstick on both villainesses is deplorable! And Ursula's shell earrings have been poorly treated too.

You don't figure fired ceramic can be painted over, eh?

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