In which she pays for procrastinating...

In the last five days I have written over 30 pages worth of assignments, seen a couple of sun-rises, put together a 20 page powerpoint presentation which I'm pretty proud of, and rehearsed with my various groups.

In a word:  KERTHUMP.
In a second 'word': OhMyLordyAmIEverTreatingMyselfToCrazySugarAndRetailTherapyOnceThisIsAllDone

However, I will be posting new items later this week, once my brain's had time to cool down from the current boiling storm it is generating in my throbbing skull.

The "Luscious Me" contest will keep running - I am loving reading all the responses!  Come on ladies, lay that bashful face down and celebrate yourself!

Approximate weight of each eyelid:  3 pachyderms
Time to next class presentation:  90 mins!  *whimper*


Unknown said...

Bon courage! And good coffee!

Lorri said...

Whenever school's getting you down, just think of this:

Bonne chance, Mme. Jane!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Good luck with that....


Elsa said...

You can do it!

Anonymous said...

I hope and trust it went well! Go you!!


Mary Jane said...

Hey everyone, thanks for the well-wishes! The presentation went well enough, but the best part is that S. was waiting to take me out for a celebratory spicy pinto burrito (narm narm Burritoville) and then strawberry cheesecake! Best. Husband. EVER.

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