Burritos led to Paper Fun which led to Customized, Reversible, Adjustable BOW TIES!

Oh, Montreal, how I love thee.  You're just bustin' at the seams with talent: culinary, artistic and sartorial.  

I was totally HOUSING something veggie, soft, and delicious at Burritoville a few weeks ago when I chanced upon a 2nd floor installation of Jp King's works.  Delightful!  I snagged one of his luggage tag business cards.   In the way of such things, it migrated into my coat pocket, nuzzled into a corner, and was forgotten til this morning when it decided to attach itself to my buspass and them slip-splurrssh into a puddle on the bus floor.  I picked it up.  THAT'S how nice the card is.  Then I internetted and enjoyed both PaperPusher Print Collective and his eponymous site.

It was while exploring this second site that I chanced upon some very nice packaging illustrations King has done for Dolbeau, a Montreal company which handcrafts gorgeous men's accessories, including Customizable, Reversible and Adjustable bow ties!   (Victorian caps are all mine.)

I am in love love love with this dapper bit of sartorial fun, called the Leduc
Photo: Dolbeau.ca
If I had a swan-like neck I would rock it but HARD. Alas, the same gene pool which bestowed me with lustrous hair, slender fingers and a decent waist to hip ratio has also saddled me with my towering 5'2"-ness (kids pants, much?), myopia, and a shortish neck.    Jaunty bow tie?  Tis not to be.   However I do know people who sport bow ties with panache and will certainly be sharing this link especially since Dolbeau has free shipping worldwide  and many of their Casual Class bow ties are on sale!  (scroll halfway down the page).

Happy shopping!


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